And Yet Another...
And yet after another LOOOONNGGGGGGG posting hiatus, I'm here again reviving my practically dead and boring blog. When I created this blog, I solely intended to post stuffs about make up, after all I am, errrrr, I was a make-up addict.
But over the last couple of months, my priorities have changed and make up was no longer on the top of the list. But my addiction to shoes, bags and clothes are still not waning. Nevertheless, I am still a true blue make-up addict on an indefinite hiatus. Its amazing how a lifelong committment binded on a piece of paper could drastically change ones point of view.
But over the last couple of months, my priorities have changed and make up was no longer on the top of the list. But my addiction to shoes, bags and clothes are still not waning. Nevertheless, I am still a true blue make-up addict on an indefinite hiatus. Its amazing how a lifelong committment binded on a piece of paper could drastically change ones point of view.
Yes, MARRIAGE change me. Now, I'm interested to a lot of relatively new things for me. From cooking, baking, interior designing and from the most mundane like what's the best detergent in the market or how would I eliminate stubborn mold and mildews. I actually like it, its like rediscovering myself in a fun and amazing way. An interesting turn of events, as Sheldon Cooper may have put it.
To sum this post up, here's some of the things I'm currently lemming for, and yes, its not make up:

Seems like its a new addiction after another! That's it for now. Here's hoping I'll have enough time in my hands to update my little space in the cyberspace!
Picture References:
Labels: Apartment Therapy, Ikea, Life